Jambo Mondo
Bus from Shan State to Yangon
There is a bus that goes from Taunggy to Yangon. You can take this bus along Inle Lake at the intersection of the road to Yangon Taunggy Nyaungshwe road. Locals have come to call that point "junction". The pick-up leading to the intersection Nyaungshwe costs about 200 kyat ($ 0.2). The bus to Yangon costed 15,000 kyat (about $ 15) in March 2009. The price lowers in Bago. Take the bus at the intersection at 12 h. And the arrival in Bago is at 5am and then you arrive in Yangon two hours later. The first half of the trip is horrible, with lots of curves and a road in very poor condition. You pass through roads that are undergoing construction.
You will probably hit some of these unstable parts of the road. On the bus, you will receive a bottle of water and a dental kit to clean your teeth. As in almost all buses in Myanmar you must be prepared to withstand the high volume of video clips that are put. They are funny western music songs from Meat Loaf to Cat Stevens.
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