eXplorador Escocés
The port of arrival
For a great introduction and explanation about the Isle of Arran I refer you to Lala2's page. When we got to the Isle of Arran, our first port of arrival was Brodick, the main and largest town on the island. Here there is a castle (residence of the Dukes of Hamilton) and Brewery. It seems to have a very linear structure along the coast and not much to see by the naked eye, except restaurants and shops. It seems the capital of the island has little to offer except it's convenient location. It has the best tourist information center and as I said the castle and beer. But the best of the island is to come, in other coastal and mountainous areas, that offer much more than Brodick.
Therefore, I recommended you disembark, inform yourself, and if you have time see the two main attractions, as mentioned.
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