eXplorador Escocés
Between the castle and the town
What is today called Dollar Forest is a fraction of what once was. There used to be a single expansive forest that reached almost from Stirling to St. Andrews but, for obvious reasons, it's been pieced up and is now in several sections. Dollar Forest is easy to visit and it's visually beautiful as it sits on the road between the town, the castle and the valley. But in medieval times, this forest acted as a real barrier that prevented access to the front of the castle. It was only accessible through a narrow path that led through the thick forest. Today it is a protected area and it remains visually striking due to the height of the old trees andthe fact that it is still quite dense in some areas.
It is funny how the roots have destroyed a wall that was built by human hands to delineate the forest. There are times that we fight things that we cannot fight. In short, the Dollar Forest is a natural area that is worth visiting and enjoying.
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