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Binibeca Address

11 reviews of Binibeca

Well, Binibeca Vell, is a suburb...

Bueno, Binibeca Vell, es una...

Bueno, Binibeca Vell, es una urbanización que pertenece al pueblo de San Luis, a unos 8 kilómetros de Mahón, y recrea un poblado de pescadores. Es un experimento arquitectónico que imita las antiguas construcciones menorquinas. Pero claro...Es falso. Tiene callejones estrechos y casas bajitas y blancas con tejados y balcones de madera. Hay muchas tiendecitas y muchos bares y restaurantes, y por supuesto, mucho turista. No sé, no es feo, pero parece un decorado. La playa de Binibeca es bonita, y con un agua limpissima, pero está muy masificada, así que nosotros ni nos bañamos, la vimos y ya está. Es muy profunda, de arenas finas y detrás hay un pequeño bosque de pinos, y creo que había un merendero.
Well, Binibeca Vell, is a suburb belonging to the town of San Luis, about 8 kilometers from Mahon, and recreates a fishing village. It's an experiment that mimics the ancient architectural constructions menorquinas. But then ... is false. It has narrow streets and white houses with petite and roofs and wooden balconies. There are many shops and many bars and restaurants, and of course, many tourists. I do not know, not ugly, but it seems a decoration. Binibeca beach is nice, and with a water limpissima but very crowded, so we not bathe, and we saw it already. It is very deep, fine sand and behind a small pine forest, and I had a picnic.
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In Menorca, 8 km from Mahon, following...

En Menorca, a 8km de Mahón, siguiendo ...

En Menorca, a 8km de Mahón, siguiendo la carretera PM-7022 se llega hasta el pueblo blanco y pesquero de Binibeca. Dividida en dos, Binibeca Vell y Nou. La parte vieja, es el pueblo de pescadores, un laberinto de calles estrechas e intricadas que desembocan en la costa donde los pescadores tienen sus llauts (embarcación típica). En este pueblo hay carteles que indican silencio, y es normal ya que las calles tan estrechas hacen que puedas estar paseando al lado de los dormitorios. En la entrada del pueblo se encuentran varias tiendas de souvenirs además de restaurantes. La parte nueva tiene la playa y la cala Torrent. Durante los meses de invierno está todo prácticamente cerrado, incluido los alojamientos. En verano, hay que reservar con tiempo, ya que la disponibilidad baja y el precio sube.
In Menorca, 8 km from Mahon, following the PM-7022 comes to white people and fishing Binibeca. Divided into two, and Binibeca Nou. The old part is the fishing village, a maze of narrow streets and intricate flowing into the ocean where fishermen have their llauts (typical boat). In this town there are signs indicating silence, and it is normal because the streets so narrow that you can do to be walking next to the bedrooms. At the entrance of the village are several souvenir shops as well as restaurants. The new part is the beach and cove Torrent. During the winter months is almost all closed, including accommodation. In summer, you have to book early, as the low availability and the price rises.
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Binibeca Vell ... a country in white

Binibeca Vell...un paese in bianco

Mi sono recata a Minorca alcuni anni fa. Durante una giornata di brutto tempo ho trovato due ore per andare a visitare questo minuscolo paesino. Si trova sulla costa meridionale dell'isola. Per arrivarci bisogna seguire le indicazioni per Sant Lluis, dopodichè troverete quelle per Binibeca. E' molto carino, con le case tutte bianche e le imposte marroni. E' prettamente turistico e ricalca perfettamente lo stile dei paesini mediterranei di pescatori. Le viuzze sono molto strette ed è percorribile solo a piedi. Potete trovarvi qualche negozio di souvenir, bar e ristoranti caratteristici del posto. Molto bella e frequentata è anche la spiaggia vicino al complesso.
I went to Menorca few years ago. During a day of bad weather, I found two hours to visit this tiny village. It is located on the southern coast of the island. To get there, follow the signs to Sant Lluis, then you will find those for Binibeca. It 's very nice, with houses all white and brown taxes. It 'purely tourist and follows perfectly the style of Mediterranean villages of fishermen. The streets are very narrow and is accessible only on foot. You can find some souvenir shops, bars and restaurants of the place. Very beautiful and frequented the beach is also close to the complex.
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False "revival" sailor

Falso "revival" marinero

Uno de los presuntos reclamos turísticos en Menorca es el poblado de Binibeca, es un intento de recreación de un pueblo pesquero menorquín que en la realidad es desafortunadamente inexistente. Básicamente, el resultado de este intento es una flagrante infracción urbanística consistente en juntar el máximo de casas posibles en el terreno que había disponible, que no era mucho. Las calles son muy estrechas y de muy difícil acceso. Puede que no quepa ni un carrito de niño. Es una aculuración que puede resultar ideal para quien no haya visto un pueblo pesquero de verdad en su vida. Bonito para alguna foto, pero no hace falta ir.
One of the presumed tourist claims in Menorca is the town of Binibeca, it is an attempt to recreate a Menorcan fishing village that in reality is unfortunately non-existent. Basically, the result of this attempt is a blatant urban infringement consisting of putting as many houses as possible on the land that was available, which was not much. The streets are very narrow and very difficult to access. It may not fit a child"s cart. It is an aculuration that can be ideal for those who have not seen a real fishing village in their life. Nice for some photo, but you do not have to go.
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Sunset from Binibeca- Menorca

Atardecer desde Binibeca- Menorca

El pequeño pueblo blanco de Binibeca con sus calles estrecha y su pequeño puerto de pescadores.
The small white village of narrow streets with their Binibeca and its small fishing port.
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White, small and cozy

Blanco, pequeño y acogedor

Uno de los pueblos mas increibes de Menorca. Blanco, pequeño y acogedor.
One of the most increibes towns of Menorca. White, small and cozy.
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Entraable people

Pueblo entrañable

Merece la pena pasar la tarde paseando por las estrechas callejuelas de este pueblo. Mágico atardecer. Fotos estupendas
Worth spending the afternoon walking through the narrow streets of this village. Magical sunset. Great photos
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Super nice and cozy

Súper bonito y acogedor

Súper bonito y acogedor
Super nice and cozy
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Whitewashed streets and small, at the...

Calles encaladas y pequeñas, a pie de ...

Calles encaladas y pequeñas, a pie de mar y con gran tradición pesquera.
Whitewashed streets and small, at the foot of the sea and with great fishing tradition
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Charming little moment of sweetness

Charmant petit moment de douceur

Charmant petit moment de douceur
Charming little moment of sweetness
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