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Baths of Diocletian

+39 06 3996 7700
+39 06 3996 7700
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5 reviews of Baths of Diocletian

The classroom was a cistern

L'aula che era una cisterna

Un grande ambiente rettangolare, dalla lunga volta a botte: ecco la cosiddetta Aula XI che si trova all'interno del Complesso archeologico delle Terme di Diocleziano. E' una stanza particolare perché al tempo degli antichi serviva come cisterna per l'acqua con cui approvvigionare l'ampia piscina scoperta delle Terme. Tanto è vero che ha le pareti con intonaco impermeabile fino ad un'altezza di 5 metri. Oggi è scrigno di molti tesori diversi, tra cui il mosaico XL che mostra Ercole e Acheloo in lotta, in una scenografia floreale. L'eroe è riconoscibile con la sua clava e la pelle di leone. Il dio fluviale Acheloo è ripreso nelle sue trasformazioni prima in serpente poi in toro: l'opera è stata trovata nella Villa di Nerone ad Anzio e risale al III secolo dopo Cristo. Inoltre, in una parete c'è pure un mosaico di più piccole dimensioni che arriva da un'area sepolcrale con tanto di scheletro e un motto, quello dell'oracolo di Delfi "Conosci te stesso". L'illuminazione vedo-non vedo contribuisce a creare un clima ricco di mistero...
A large rectangular room, with a long barrel vault here is the so-called Aula XI which is located within the archaeological complex of the Baths of Diocletian. And 'a particular room because at the time of the ancients served as a water reservoir with which supply the large outdoor pool of the Baths. So true that has walls with impermeable plaster up to a height of 5 meters. Today treasure trove of many different treasures, including the XL mosaic showing Hercules and Achelous in the fight, in a floral setting. The recognizable hero with his club and lion skin. The river god Achelous recovered in its transformation into a snake before then in bull: the work was found in Nero's Villa in Anzio, and dates from the third century AD. Moreover, in a c 'wall well as a mosaic of more small that comes from the burial area complete with a skeleton and a motto, that of the oracle of Delphi, "Know thyself". The lighting see-it helps to create a rich atmosphere of mystery ...
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Near the Republic Square and Termini...

Près de la place de la République et de l...

Près de la place de la République et de la gare de Termini, au nord Est de Rome, se trouvent les thermes de Dioclétien. Pour rappel Dioclétien est un empereur romain ayant régné dans les années 200-300. A côté on trouve la basilique Sainte Marie des Anges et des Martyrs. Ces thermes sont certainement les plus grands construits à cette époque. On peut trouver également un palais qui lui est dédié mais à Split en Croatie, car Dioclétien est originaire de Dalmatie.
Near the Republic Square and Termini Station, north east of Rome, are the Baths of Diocletian. Reminder is a Roman emperor Diocletian who reigned in the years 200-300. In addition there is the Basilica of Santa Maria of the Angels and Martyrs. These baths are definitely the largest built at that time. One can also find a palace dedicated to him but in Split, Croatia, as Diocletian was born in Dalmatia.
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Baths in Rome

Banhos em Roma

Este enorme complexo foi construído no século III DC, hoje em dia alberga um museu arqueológico e tem uma escultura de mármore de Mitra. Destaca-se o claustro Miguel Ângelo e a Aula Ottagona com as suas esculturas de bronze que têm mais de 2200 anos. Vale a pena descobrir estas termas e visitá-las, a entrada é livre e fica na zona de Quirinal relativamente perto da estação ferroviária de Termini.
This huge complex was built in the third century AD, and today houses an archaeological museum and has a marble sculpture of Mithra. Noteworthy is the cloister Michelangelo and Classroom Ottagona with their bronze sculptures that have more than 2200 years. Worth discovering these spas and visit them, entrance is free and is in the Quirinal relatively close to the Termini railway station.
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Great visit in Rome.

Gran visita en Roma.

Gran visita en Roma.
Great visit in Rome.
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Little crowded, the price somewhat excessive for what is left of them

Poco concurridas, el precio algo excesivo para lo que queda de ellas

Poco concurridas, el precio algo excesivo para lo que queda de ellas
Little crowded, the price somewhat excessive for what is left of them
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