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Barong Dance

Ubud Address

12 reviews of Barong Dance

Bali's main cultural attraction

The Barong Dance is one of Bali's main cultural attractions. It's done within an outdoor arena of bleachers for spectators and the musicians sit on both sides with their Indonesian musical instruments. In the center, the legend of Ramayana, the struggle between good and evil, is depicted. The Barong is a mythological creature half-lion and half-dragon which represents the Good fighting Rangda, a witch representing Evil. Though it can get a bit hot and humid in the morning, it is price for enjoying this Balinese tradition and seeing some of their legends and culture.


Barong Dance in Ubud

Danza Barong en Ubud

En Ubud se encuentran algunos teatros donde se representa esta tradicional Danza Barong. En un lado del teatro se colocan los músicos con los instrumentos tradicionales. Una melodía que suena en toda la isla y que nunca olvidas. Muy relajante que te llena de paz y tranquilidad. Es la Danza más popular y famosa de Bali desde el punto de vista turístico. Se trata de nuevo de una sencilla batalla entre el bueno’’ el Barong’’, y el malo ‘’el Rangda’’ (La bruja). El Barong es una extraña criatura, mitad perro de lanas, mitad león, impulsada por dos hombres como si fuese una atracción de circo. El Barong y Rangda luchan, utilizando sus poderes mágicos, pero cuando las cosas van mal para el Barong, sus seguidores empuñan sus krises y se lanzan al ataque de Rangda. Haciendo uso de sus poderes mágicos, esta les sume en un estado de trance y los hombres intentan suicidarse con sus kris. Finalmente, un sacerdote (un Pemangku) hace las ceremonias, para poner fin al trance de los bailarines, y debe sacrificarse un pollo para propiciar a los espíritus del mal. Bueno es interesante dura como hora y pocos minutos y sinceramente merece la pena. Yo volvería a verlo, al finalizar la obra puedes subir al escenario y hablar con los artistas. Por cierto a los niños les encanta, seguro que por la vestimenta de los artistas, la aparición de un mono, el dragón, la bruja etc.
In Ubud are some theaters that represents this traditional Barong Dance. On one side of the theater standing musicians with traditional instruments. A tune that plays throughout the island and never forget. Very relaxing that fills you with peace and tranquility. Dance is the most popular and famous of Bali from the point of view of tourism. This is again a simple battle between the Barong'' good'' and'' bad'' the Rangda (The Witch). The Barong is a strange creature, half poodle, half lion, propelled by two men like a circus attraction. Barong and Rangda the fight, using his magical powers, but when things go wrong for the Barong, supporters wielding their krises and rush to attack Rangda. Using his magical powers, this will add up in a trance and men attempt suicide with his kris. Finally, a priest (a pemangku) makes the ceremonies, to end the trance of dancers, and must sacrifice a chicken to propitiate the spirits of evil. Well it's interesting lasts an hour and a few minutes and truly worth it. I see him again, at the end of the work can go on stage and talk to the artists. Of course children love, certainly by the dress of the artists, the appearance of a monkey, dragon, witch etc.
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Dana Barong - Balinese tpica

Dança Barong - típica balinesa

Quando resolvi ir a Bali, coloquei na cabeça que TINHA que ver uma apresentação da dança típica deles. Chegando lá fui atrás disso e encontrei vários teatros com as tais apresentações. Não faltam opções para ir, sei que todas serão bem legais e você vai se surpreender. Por um lado a música começa a ficar um pouco irritante, pois é sempre igual, mas a dança é muito legal. No teatro que fomos, foi contada toda a história de um dos deuses deles (esse que parece um dragão-cachorro das fotos). A parte mais legal é a das meninas, com roupas tipicas e uma dança muito particular. Achei muito interessante. O show custou cerca de R$ 15, mas vi lugares mais caros no centro da cidade. Esse que fomos era um pouco mais afastado do centro badalado de Ubud, por isso um preço mais amigável. E pode preparar a máquina, pois além de poder tirar foto de tudo e com as meninas, pode filmar!!
When I decided to go to Bali, I put in my head that HAD to see a presentation of the typical dance of them. Arriving there I followed it and found several theaters with such presentations. There are many options to go, I know you all are really cool and you will be amazed. For one the music starts to get a little annoying as it is always the same, but the dance is really cool. In the theater we went, was told the entire story of one of their gods (the one that looks like a dragon-dog of the photos). The coolest part is the girls with typical clothes and a very private dance. I found it very interesting. The show cost about $ 15, but I saw the most expensive places in the city center. This was that we were a bit further away from the trendy center of Ubud, so a more friendly price. And you can prepare the machine, as well as be able to take pictures of everything and the girls can shoot!
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Mystical dances typical of Bali

Danze mistiche tipiche di Bali

Ubud, conosciuta come il centro culturale e tradizionale dell'isola di Bali in Indonesia, offre ai visitatori molti eventi, in particolare spettacoli di danza balinese. Ogni sera in diversi luoghi della cittadina si svolgono questi eventi musicali nei quali vengono coinvolti quasi cento figure: dalle danzatrici, alle figure della religione induista alle semplici comparse. Per assistere ad uno di questi spettacoli, potrete prenotare il vostro biglietto presso l'ufficio turistico di Ubud o recarvi direttamente al luogo dove sarà in programma l'evento (nei periodi turistici, acquistate il biglietto qualche giorno prima della messa in scena..non si sa mai..). Solitamente gli spettacoli durano un paio di ore e costano 75000-100000Rp (6-8€) per persona!
Ubud, known as the cultural and traditional island of Bali in Indonesia, offers visitors many events, including Balinese dance performances. Every night in different parts of town events unfold music in which they are involved nearly one hundred figures: the dancers, to the figures of the Hindu religion to mere onlookers. To attend one of these shows, you can book your ticket at the tourist office in Ubud or go directly to the place where the event will be scheduled (in tourist seasons, buy your ticket a few days before the staging .. not you never know ..). Usually the shows last a couple of hours and cost 75,000-100000Rp (6-8 €) per person!
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Essential in Ubud

Imprescindible en Ubud

Además de perderse por los templos y los arrozales de la ciudad balinesa de Ubud y sus alrededores, algo que no se puede dejar de hacer es asistir a un espectáculo de danza balinesa. Se trata de una danza muy curiosa en la que los movimientos de los ojos resaltan en gran medida. Se mueven de forma acompasada con el resto del cuerpo y el ritmo de la música. En Ubud puedes encontrar varios lugares en los que presenciar esta danza cada noche.
In addition to wander through the temples and rice paddies of Balinese town of Ubud and its surroundings, something that can not be left to do it is to attend a show of Balinese dance. It is a curious dance in which the eye movements greatly highlighted. They move in time with the rest of the body and the rhythm of the music. In Ubud you can find several places to witness this dance every night.
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Ubud is a town in central Bali, one of...

Ubud es un pueblo muy céntrico de Bali, ...

Ubud es un pueblo muy céntrico de Bali, unas de las representaciones más famosas es la Danza Barong, la cual nos muestra la eterna lucha entre el bien y el mal.
Ubud is a town in central Bali, one of the most famous depictions is the Barong Dance, which shows the eternal struggle between good and evil.
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Barong Dance

Danzas Barong

No puedes ir a Indonesia sin empaparte y disfrutar de su rica cultura. El espectáculo de las Danzas Barong, en cualquier punto de la isla de Bali es eso, todo un espectáculo
You can not go to Indonesia without soak and enjoy its rich culture. The performance of the Barong Dance, at any point of the island of Bali is that, quite a sight
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The dance junjunglang

La danse à junjunglang

Le spectacle dure +- 1h et est composé d'une centaine de chanteurs . L'histoire est évidemment incompréhensible et le spectacle tient plutôt du théâtre chinois , avec héros masqués, princesses et dragon à la fin. Les costumes sont superbes, mais il faut aimer . Pas de musique, tout se joue à capella. Très bien pour les jeunes enfants. Y assister , c est aussi soutenir la communauté locale qui fournit tous les chanteurs .
The show lasts + - 1 hour and consists of one hundred singers. The story is incomprehensible and rather obviously the show is the Chinese theater, with masked heroes, princesses and dragon in the end. The costumes are great, but you must love. No music, everything takes a capella. Great for young children. Y attend c is also supporting the local community that provides all the singers.
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Traditional Dance

Danza tradicional

Esta danza tradicional de Bali, se puede ver en la ciudad de Ubud. Merece la pena.
This traditional dance of Bali, you can see in the town of Ubud. Worth.
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traditional dance

Danse traditionnelle

La musique est assez spéciale mais les costumes hait en couleurs sont vraiment beau et la danse et un des trucs a voir 9 .
traditional dance, the musiqye is quite special but the costumes hait in colors are really beautiful and the dance and one of the things to see 9
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Un magnifique spectacle de danse qui ne peut pas manquer

Un magnifique spectacle de danse qui ne peut pas manquer
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Larong a little better.

Larong un po' meglio.

Sconsiglio Barong a ubud (se non da compagnie professioniste).
I do not recommend Barong to ubud (if not from professional companies). Larong a little better.
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