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Banaue Rice Terraces

6 reviews of Banaue Rice Terraces

Couldn't believe it, till I saw it

In 2009, I traveled alone to the Philippines. I toured the interior of the island of Luzon and came across this wonder, I had heard of it before but couldn't imagine it, until I saw it. I was very lucky because it rained a week and that day the skies cleared.

THE 8th wonder of the world

THE 8e merveille du monde

Banaue est décrite comme étant la 8e merveille du monde mais aller à Banaue sans faire un petit détour jusqu'à Batad, c'est dommage. On a fait un trek de deux jours, 3/4 heures de marche par jour, au départ de Banaue avec un guide (fortement recommendé). Le prix à payer reste assez cher (guide + tricycle) mais ça vaut franchement le coup. Le trek se déroule dans la jungle et dans les rizières et on passe la nuit à Batad dans une auberge très simple. On a l'occasion de se baigner dans les chutes d'eau en contrebas de la montagne. Batad est tout simplement magnifique. On y était en Février, période de plantation. Les rizières sont remplies d'eau et on peut voir les villageois planter le riz.
Banaue is described as the eighth wonder of the world but go to Banaue without making a small detour to Batad, unfortunately. It was a two-day trek, 3/4 hours of walking per day, from Banaue with a guide (highly recommended). The price is quite expensive (guide + tricycle) but frankly it's worth it. The trek takes place in the jungles and rice paddies and night in Batad is happening in a very simple hostel. We have the opportunity to swim in the waterfalls down the mountain. Batad is simply beautiful. It was in February, during planting. The rice fields are filled with water and you can see the villagers planting rice.
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World Heritage of Unesco

Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la Unesco

Las terrazas de arroz de esta zona son realmente impresionantes. Un lugar que, además de ser súper fotogénico, te dejará sin palabras. Para llegar hasta aquí desde Manila la forma más sencilla y económica es cogiendo un autobús hasta Banaue. Este trayecto dura 10 horas y acabas muy cansado después de tantas horas, sin embargo, merece absolutamente la pena el traslado hasta esta zona de Filipinas sólo por ver los campos de arroz, impresionantemente verdes y la cultura que los rodea. Muy recomendable
The rice terraces in this area are really impressive. A place that, in addition to being super photogenic, will leave you speechless. To get here from Manila the simplest and cheapest way is by taking a bus to Banaue. This trip lasts 10 hours and you end up very tired after so many hours, however, it is absolutely worth the trip to this area of ​​the Philippines just to see the rice fields, impressively green and the culture that surrounds them. Highly recommended
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Rice fields of Banaue

Rizières de banaue

Plusieurs charmante rizières de la région du Luzon au nord des Philippines les routes sont catastrophique mais cela vaut le déplacements . La seconde photo c'est une rizière dite pyramide . Nous avons gouter au riz de la région ,il est succulent !!!!
Several charming paddy fields in the region of Luzon in the northern Philippines roads are catastrophic but well worth the travel. The second picture is called a rice pyramid. We taste the rice in the region, it is delicious!!
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Banaue rice fields

Campos de arroz en Banaue

Uno de los lugares mas increíbles que he estado. El pequeño poblado de Banaue
One of the most amazing places I've been. The small town of Banaue
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It's nice to be under a tree.

Es agradable estar bajo un árbol.

Es naturaleza a tu alrededor y se siente bien respirar aire puro.
It is nature to your alrrededor and it feels good to breathe fresh air, it is nice to be under a tree
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Information about Banaue Rice Terraces