Dónde vamos Eva
A Religious Experience
Before I went into the Basilica of Montserrat, a door on the left caught my attention because of the curious painting. It was a painting of the Mystique Water Source of Life! It's called the Path of Ave Maria and it runs narrowly between the impressive bare rock and the side of the basilica. It's an interesting place, incredible for someone like me, full of small candles, and small caves where the infinite colours make it magical. Many people come here to light candles. I imagine that it's full of promises and requests. What surprised me the most was the amount of Eastern tourists who brought their own candle and made sure it was properly secured before leaving.
I imagine that for them it's a curiosity which resembles the temples. It's a beautiful place, believe it or not, that's full of energy and the flickering of candle light produces moments of great beauty and colour.
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