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Madrid Atocha Railway Station

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139 reviews of Madrid Atocha Railway Station

Incredible compared to others

I remember the first time I went to Atocha during a school trip to Madrid, we went to the station only to see the lovely garden in the center of the building. It is very relaxing, with the water almost like foam and falling from the roof every now and then to keep a given level of humidity for the plants. It was incredible how quiet the station was compared to the other big railway stations in European capitals.

Atocha Railway station is Madrid's main station. It is now divided in three parts: one for the suburban trains (cercanías in Spanish), the Puerta de Atocha station (from where the fast trains go) and the Atocha Renfe one for the other trains. The original building is the one in the front, recently restored. A fire destroyed it partially.

The new station was built by Alberto de Palacio, inspired by Gustave Eiffel. One can still see the iron structure of the greenhouse. Now for security reasons you have to put your bags in an X-ray machine, so I recommend you arrive early if you do not want to miss the train.
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A surprising place

One of the things that struck me the most the first time I visited Madrid was the Atocha Railway Station. It seems incredible but it is true, since I did not expect to find some sort of nice Botanical Garden there.

The station in itself is like any other, that is to say, it has hallways, boards indicating departures and arrivals of the trains and counters where one can buy tickets, but as soon as you go towards the exit, you suddenly find a huge space with a glass roof, full of plants. And these plants are not small, on the contrary, they are trees and huge plants as if they never ended.

It is surprising and a very pleasant place. It is usually full of people going for a walk or sitting down and relaxing while waiting for their train. The rest of the station is rather normal, even though I had the impression it is very well organized.
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Nice botanical garden


Very easy to travel




Spain Rocks in high speed


High speed trains are amazing.

Good cafes to spend time while you wait


Amazing service and the punctuality is amazing.

Atocha Station

Gare de Atocha

La Gare d'Atocha est la plus grande gare d'Espagne. Et son intérêt ne s'arrête pas au fait qu'elle propose un très grand nombre de destinations, des plus petits villages de la banlieue aux plus grandes villes espagnoles. La gare, c'est un énorme complexe: trains, ter, métro, mais aussi des dizaines de boutiques (accessoires, chaussures, vêtements...), snacks et cafés, où se croisent chaque jour voyageurs et simples passants. Mais le véritable pôle d'attraction de la gare est l'immense jardin botanique qui s'y trouve: des centaines de curieux viennent se promener ou faire une pause entre les palmiers et autres plantes exotiques et observer ... le nombre incroyable de tortues qui s'amoncellent dans le bassin qui leur est réservé. Un lieu culte de la capitale ! La gare est aussi tristement célèbre à cause des attentats terroristes qui y ont eu lieu le 11 mars 2004. Depuis, un espace a été totalement dédié pour rendre hommage aux 191 victimes. Il s'agit d'une étonnante et touchante pièce insonorisée, dans laquelle ont été regroupés des messages en toutes les langues destinés aux victimes et à leurs familles. A voir ... !
The Atocha Station is the largest train station in Spain. And interest does not stop the fact that it offers a large number of destinations, smaller villages in the suburbs with the largest Spanish cities. The station is a huge complex trains ter metro, but also dozens of shops (accessories, shoes, clothes ...), snacks and coffees, which cross each day travelers and bystanders. But the real attraction of the station pole is huge botanical garden located there: hundreds of curious come to walk or take a break between palm trees and other exotic plants and observe ... the incredible number of turtles that are piling up in the pool reserved for them. A place of worship in the capital! The station is also notorious because of the terrorist attacks that took place on 11 March 2004. Since then, space has been totally dedicated to honor the 191 victims. It is an amazing and touching soundproof room, in which were grouped messages in all languages ​​for victims and their families. To see ... !
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The first time I went to Atocha, it was...

La première fois que j´ai été à Atocha, c´ét...

La première fois que j´ai été à Atocha, c´était avec un voyage de classe avec l´école, et on nous a emmené à la gare juste pour voir le beau jardin tropical qui se trouve en son centre. C´est super relaxant, avec l´eau brumisée qui tombe du haut de la verrière pour maintenir la température et le taux d´humidité adéquats pour les plantes, et cela nous paraissait incroyable qu´une gare puisse etre un endroit aussi paisible, surtout comparée avec les gares parisiennes. La gare d´Atocha est la gare centrale de trains de Madrid. Elle est désormais divisée en trois parties, il y a la gare des trains de banlieue, la station Porte d´Atocha, qui est celle des AVE, le TGV espagnol, et celle d´Atocha Renfe, pour les trains normaux nationaux. Elle a été inaugurée au XIXème siècle et n´a cessé d´être agrandie depuis, ce qui explique les différences de style entre les différentes parties de la gare. Le bâtiment original se trouve à hauteur de la façade de la gare, le reste a été détruit par un incendie. La nouvelle gare a été réalisée par Alberto de Palacio, disciple de Gustave Eiffel, on peut encore voir la structure métallique de la verrière principale. Attention, par sécurité, il faut passer les bagages au rayon X, et donc arriver en avance pour les formalités.
The first time I went to Atocha, it was with a class trip with the school, and they took us to the station just to see the beautiful tropical garden which is in the center. It is super relaxing, misted with water that falls from the top of the canopy to maintain proper temperature and humidity for the plants, and it seemed incredible that we train can also be a peaceful place, especially compared with the railway stations. The Atocha station is the central railway station in Madrid. It is now divided into three parts, there is the commuter rail station, the door Atocha station, which is that of AVE, the Spanish high-speed train, and the Atocha Renfe to national normal trains. It was inaugurated in the nineteenth century and has since ceased to be enlarged, which explains the differences in style between the different parts of the station. The original building is up to the front of the station, the rest was destroyed by fire. The new station was conducted by Alberto de Palacio, a disciple of Gustave Eiffel, you can still see the metal structure of the main canopy. Attention, security, it must pass the baggage X-ray, so arrive early for check.
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The building of the Atocha station,...

El edificio de la estación de Atocha, ...

El edificio de la estación de Atocha, construido para la compañía ferroviaria MZA (Madrid-Zaragoza-Alicante ), fue inaugurado el 9 de febrero de 1851 con el nombre de Estación de Mediodía (Estación del Sur) o Embarcadero de Atocha. Era la primera estación de tren de Madrid. Hubo varios intentos anteriores de construcción de una línea de ferrocarril con destino a Aranjuez, como ofrecimiento a la realeza, pero que no fructificaron, principalmente por problemas económicos. Inicialmente es una estación modesta con un principio básicamente dedicado a viajeros, que se encuentra fuera de los límites de la ciudad.. Se halla rodeada de imponentes edificios como la Basílica de Atocha, el hospital de San Carlos (actual museo Reina Sofía), el jardín botánico y el observatorio entre otros. En esa época, la zona estaba repleta de murallas que cobijaban la ciudad, para lo que el Ayuntamiento de la época debía buscar soluciones que facilitaran el paso y mejoraran las vistas de una zona muy degradada por tratarse de huertas y arrabales.
The building of the Atocha station, built for the railway company MZA (Madrid-Zaragoza-Alicante), was inaugurated on February 9, 1851 with the name of Midi Station (South Station) or Embarcadero de Atocha. It was the first train station in Madrid. There have been several previous attempts to build a railway line destined for Aranjuez, as an offering to royalty, but were not successful, mainly due to financial problems. Initially a modest station with a beginning basically dedicated to travelers, located outside the city limits .. It is surrounded by impressive buildings such as the Basilica of Atocha, San Carlos Hospital (now Queen Sofia Museum), the botanical garden and the observatory among others. At that time, the area was full of walls that sheltered the city, for which the City Council at the time was to seek solutions to facilitate and improve the way the views of a very degraded because it is orchards and suburbs.
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It breathes a pleasant sensation

Se respira una agradable sensación

Atocha es el centro ferroviario más grande de Madrid y uno de los más grandes del mundo. Se podría decir que hay varias estaciones en una, porque hay trenes, metros y es posible conectarse a la línea de autobuses urbanos e interurbanos. Desde su última renovación, parte del interior de la estación se transformó en invernadero tropical. Se respira una agradable sensación, como si estuvieras en un pequeño bosque, esperando el tren.
Atocha railway ms is the largest center of Madrid and one of the largest in the world. They might say that there are several stations in one, because there are trains, subways and you can connect to the line of city and intercity buses. Since its last renewal, of the inside of the station was transformed into tropical greenhouse. It exudes a pleasant feeling, like you're in a small forest, waiting for the train.
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Estación de Atocha (or mediodía), is c...

La Estación de Atocha (ou mediodía), e...

La Estación de Atocha (ou mediodía), est considéré comme un chef d’œuvre de l’architecture ferroviaire. Il s’agit de la plus grand gare d’Espagne avec de nombreuses lignes de train nationale et internationale. Elle fut inaugurée le 9 février 1851 et sera reconstruite en 1888 après un important incendie. Adresse exacte : La Estación de Atocha Madrid 28012. La gare d’Atocha est atypique car elle possède un jardin tropical en son centre. Elle n’est pas considérée uniquement comme une station de trains mais aussi comme un lieu touristique incontournable pour la beauté de l’édifice ! Pour avoir des renseignements sur les liaisons de trains : Http://www.Renfe.Com/.
Estación de Atocha (or mediodía), is considered a masterpiece of railway architecture. It is the largest train station in Spain with many lines of national and international train. It was inaugurated February 9, 1851 and was rebuilt in 1888 after a major fire. Street Address: La Estación de Atocha Madrid 28012. The Atocha station is unusual because it has a tropical garden in the center. It is not only considered as a train station but also as a major tourist attraction for the beauty of the building! For information on train connections: Http :/ / www.Renfe.Com/.
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The historic Atocha station is still...

La storica stazione di Atocha ancora...

La storica stazione di Atocha ancora oggi funzionante è meta turistica non solo per il giardino tropicale ubicato al suo interno, ma soprattutto per la ricercatezza artistica e stilistica dell'edificio. Prende il nome dalla vicina basilica e fu disegnata fra il 1888 e il 1892 da Alberto del Palacio Elissagne e dal celeberrimo Gustave Eiffel. Questa stazione ferroviaria presenta un raffinato stile liberty nelle forme e nei materiali usati come per il tetto in ferro e vetro, tipico dell'Art Nouveau. Oggi è meta di pellegrinaggio anche in seguito alla strage avvenuta al suo interno, ma preferiamo ricordarla maggiormente per la sua unicità artistica.
The historic Atocha station is still functioning tourist destination not only for the tropical garden located on the inside, but also for the artistic and stylistic refinement of the building. It takes its name from the nearby basilica and was designed between 1888 and 1892 by Alberto del Palacio Elissagne and the famous Gustave Eiffel. This station has an elegant Art Nouveau style in the forms and materials used as the roof of iron and glass, typical of Art Nouveau. Today it is a place of pilgrimage even after the massacre that took place in it, but we prefer to remember it more for its artistic uniqueness.
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In late December with the opening of...

A finales de diciembre con la...

A finales de diciembre con la inauguración del AVE a Valencia, se ha estrenado la ampliación de Atocha. Es una nueva terminal sólo para llegadas. Otra vez, igual que sucedió con la remodelación de Atocha en 1992 para la inauguración del primer AVE a Sevilla, el encargado de la supervisión de esta obra ha sido Rafael Moneo, tiene una gran estructura de acero blanco, cubierta con grandes ventanales de vidrio.
In late December with the opening of the AVE to Valencia, has released the expansion of Atocha. It is a new terminal for arrivals only. Again, just as with the remodeling of Atocha in 1992 for the inauguration of the first AVE to Seville, in charge of the supervision of this work has been Rafael Moneo, has a large white steel frame, covered with large glass windows.
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Puerta de Atocha Station is a true...

La gare Puerta de Atocha est un...

La gare Puerta de Atocha est un véritable chef d’œuvre d’architecture ferroviaire. Elle abrite en son centre un jardin botanique autours duquel se regroupent de nombreux cafés et restaurants. Très agréable endroit où on attend son train ou dans lequel on se balade tout simplement. Il existe également de nombreux magasins et boutiques dans la gare. C’est d’ici que partent les AVE, équivalent espagnol du TGV.
Puerta de Atocha Station is a true masterpiece of railway architecture. At the center of it a botanical garden goshawks which gather many cafes and restaurants. Very nice place on the train or waiting in which we simply ride. There are also many shops and boutiques in the station. It is from here that go AVE, Spanish equivalent of TGV.
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Information about Madrid Atocha Railway Station