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3 reviews of Ampudia

Villa National Monument as a whole. It...

Villa National Monument as a whole. It highlights the powerful Renaissance castle surrounded by ramparts and moat protected cubes, very well constructed, in whose rooms you can see a collection of prehistoric remains, Romans, Visigoths, etc.. Quality. It also conserves the collegiate, the s. XVI, and a nice set of streets, many of them protected with arcades. Cottages Palencia: Http :/ /'https://www.toprural.com/castilla-y-leon/casas-rurales-palencia_bd-es-34.htm'

Memories of the Past

La Villa de Ampudia, has a distinctive urban layout of the villas of the late Middle Ages, with an urban morphology characterized by the presence of fortifications protecting the town, consisting of the castle and the walls, which are remains which allow partially follow its development, as two cubes of masonry road Valoria del Alcor. The presence of the castle, at a height close to the town center, but also separately on their own wall and empty space, meet a medieval urban architecture typical of a manor in which the castle is both element defense against external and internal jurisdiction symbol. Here we show you sites that have interest to visit or meet in Ampudia and to broaden horizons, Collegiate Church of San Miguel, Ampudia Castle, Visit to the collection of D. Eugenio Fontaneda, Museum of Sacred Art, Streets typical Paloteo XXX and Dance Festival this July 30, 2011 will be the 24th and September 25th Baroque Festival regional interest.

Villa between fields

Villa entre campos

Pasear por sus casco urbano, te permite disfrutar tranquilamente de la típica villa en Tierra de Campos. Había una tranquilidad increíble, recorrer sus calles, con los tradicionales soportales. Columnas de piedra aguantando el peso de la historia, con viejas maderas, cuesta adaptar la vista a estos trazos que parecen tan lejanos. Nos acercamos al templo de estilo gótico, una colegiata la de San Miguel, con tres naves ojivales, con bóvedas estrelladas en el crucero. Una capilla la Mayor con arcos apuntalados, sobre pilares octogonales, una obra que costearon los señores del Castillo de Ampudia, tal vez como cripta familiar. Tierra de museos con colecciones de ropajes, de arte sacro con sus cruces procesionales, báculos, cuadros y muebles con sus candelabros y cetros. Un enclave tal vez, para dedicarle más tiempo, que el de paso por su castillo, dado que seguramente encontraremos atractivos. Declarada Conjunto Histórico Artístico en 1965, su calle Mayor, indispensable.
Strolling through its urban center, allows you to enjoy quietly the typical village in Tierra de Campos. There was an incredible tranquility, to walk its streets, with the traditional arcades. Columns of stone supporting the weight of history, with old wood, it is hard to adapt the view to these traces that seem so far away. We approach the Gothic style church, a collegiate church of San Miguel, with three ogival naves, with starry vaults on the transept. A chapel la Mayor with pointed arches, on octagonal pillars, a work that the lords of the Castle of Ampudia paid for, perhaps as a family crypt. Land of museums with collections of clothing, of sacred art with its processional crosses, staffs, paintings and furniture with its chandeliers and scepters. An enclave perhaps, to devote more time, than passing through his castle, given that we will surely find attractive. Declared an Artistic Historic Site in 1965, its main street, indispensable.
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