Amadeo Restaurant
Ok, here's the first little place I found. Amadeo restaurant is famous for its ribs "a volonté", meaning that you pay 13 to 15 euros and you can eat all the ribs you want, or all the ribs you can. Besides ribs you can also order all-you-can-eat roasted potatoes that I recommend because they come with a sauce that's delicious. I recommend drinking the wine that they give you, and they charge you depending on how full or empty you leave the bottle. Drinks aren't included in menu prices anywhere in Belgium. Of course Belgian beer is some of the best in the world, so if you prefer beer to wine, this is your country.
I also recommend the Amadeo because its decoration is very offbeat, eclectic almost to the point of being too much, mixing fluorescent lighting and Indian statues and African sculptures. But more interesting are the walls, which are strange bookshelves filled with books in different languages that you can pick up and read right there. Another good thing is that the restaurant is centrally located on a street in front of la bourse, which in turn is next to the Grand Place. Very important: They close at 11 pm!
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