Guajira Linda
The beautiful blanket Guajira
In the pictures you can see the Wayuu handicrafts, another way to do Eco Tourism, these rugs involve the magical hands of the Wayuu artisans, whose fingers subtly weave a work of art, with an ancient technique that has passed through generations of Wayuu artisans. They weave and intertwine the colorful beauty, elegance and enhancement of a garment that has no comparison. A representative Blanca Fernandez Yaneira Ja'yaliyuu, is an example of the thrust of a Wayuu businesswoman who wants and invites the world to know her lovely products. A company called Aikaa Indigenous Art designs ethnic costumes, encourages and exploits the conservation of indigenous and traditional values of their indigenous ancestors.
This is the first exhibition of fine crafts produced by the magical hands of the Wayuu artisans, every week we will have the pleasure of showing that there is more to delight your eyes and women who feel the need to take on the nakedness of a beautiful body, elegant and distinguished guajira blanket. Many people will wonder where you can buy them and it's very easy at the end of this article you'll find the information to get in touch and you can get all the advice needed to buy such beautiful products. Photos: Blanca Fernandez Yaneira Ja'yaliyuu see more blankets on: ''
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