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Abbey of Fontenay

03 80 92 15 00
03 80 92 15 00
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4 reviews of Abbey of Fontenay

One of the most iconic monasteries

Fontenay Abbey is a monastery Marmagne French (Côte-d'Or department) near Tonnerre, about 45 km from Auxerre. It is one of the most iconic of all monasteries of Cistercian architecture. Bernard of Clairvaux and monks of his affiliation funded Clairvaux Abbey and its construction, and it is very well preserved, the model for the important Cistercian expansion in Europe in the next two centuries. The oldest Cistercian foundation preserved in France offers insight into the Cistercian way of life. It was founded in 1118 by St. Bernard. In the heart of the forest this retreat offered peace sought by the order.

Local aristocrats offered their protection and it was only in the Revolution that it temporarily became a paper mill. In 1906 it was restored and now you can visit the complex abbey. Highlights are the church, the cloister, the apartments of the abbot, the loft, the bedroom, the scriptorium and the magnificent chapter hall. The church was built in 1127-1150 as cruciform and its proportions typical of church Cistercian architecture. Measuring 66 meters in length over 8 meters wide, the cruise is 19 meters. The cloister square, lower than the nave was constructed almost simultaneously to the church. The chapter house is square and the ribbed vault is semicircular, with ribs that are born in small central columns and brackets distributed by the side walls. This classic dome in the Cistercian styles repeats in other rooms and is one of the characteristics of these monasteries. Light from the cloister enters through the door and the two open arches, and windows on the opposite side on the wall making the room light. An unmissable corner without doubt!
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Who does not know the Fontenay Abbey, a...

Qui ne connait pas l'abbaye de...

Qui ne connait pas l'abbaye de Fontenay, joyau de l'art roman bourguignon. De cet ensemble abbatial exceptionnel, le cloître en est l'un des trésors. Ses arcades romanes et ses galeries invitent au recueillement et à la méditation. Un endroit magique pour les amoureux de l'art roman. La salle capitulaire jouxtant le cloître roman est d'une beauté sans nom !!! Quand le lieu est vide qu'elle bonheur de découvrir le jaillissement des voûtes romanes. La luminosité y est superbe !!!! Venir à Fontenay, c'est découvrir un patrimoine hors norme. D'autres photos sont disponibles sur mon blog "La France médiévale" : - l'abbatiale ici : http://lafrancemedievale.blogspot.fr/2015/08/montbard-21-abbaye-de-fontenay.html - le cloître ici : http://lafrancemedievale.blogspot.fr/2015/09/montbard-21-cloitre-roman-de-labbaye-de.html - la salle capitulaire ici : http://lafrancemedievale.blogspot.fr/2015/09/montbard-21-abbaye-de-fontenay-la-salle.html - la forge ici : http://lafrancemedievale.blogspot.fr/2015/10/montbard-21-abbaye-de-fontenay-la-forge.html
Who does not know the Fontenay Abbey, a masterpiece of Burgundian Romanesque art. This exceptional set abbey, the cloister is a treasure. Romanesque arches and balconies inspire contemplation and meditation. A magical place for lovers of Romanesque art.
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If I Want to Talk to God

Se Eu Quiser Falar com Deus

Uma abadia de monges cistercienses (seguem a regra beneditina) no meio da Borgonha na França. O lugar é patrimônio da Unesco, dizem que fundada pelo próprio São Bernardo em 1118. Ir lá é uma oportunidade de se conhecer como aqueles monges viviam na idade média, totalmente diversos da luxuosa ordem de Cluny. A abadia nos oferece um entendimento do mundo medieval em seu aspecto religioso, mas de uma maneira que, ao menos para mim, foi surpreendente. Mesmo que você não queira investigar esses detalhes, vá pela atmosfera religiosa que pulsa ali. Vá pela arquitetura (românica e gótica), vá pelos jardins. Dica: é oferecido uma visita guiada de uma hora em francês, mas acho que é possível fazê-la em inglês também. Quando fui não falava nada de francês e fiz a visita assim mesmo, por isso recomendo. Vale mandar um e-mail para requisitar na sua língua (vamos criar demanda, não?).
An abbey of Cistercian monks (follow the Benedictine rule) in the middle of Burgundy in France. The place is UNESCO heritage, said St. Bernard founded by himself in 1118. Going there is an opportunity to see how those monks lived in the middle ages, the luxurious totally different order of Cluny. The Abbey offers us an understanding of the medieval world in its religious aspect, but in a way that, at least for me, was surprising. Even if you do not want to investigate such details, go by the religious atmosphere that pulsates there. Go for the architecture (Romanesque and Gothic), go through the gardens. Hint: it offered a one hour guided tour in French, but I think you can do it in English too. When I spoke no French and made the visit anyway, so I recommend. Worth sending an email to order in your language (we will create demand, no?).
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Décrivons sobrement l’Abbaye de Fontenay, située en Bourgogne et inscrite au Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. Adoptons un style rédactionnel simple. En effet, il est inutile d’avoir recours à des hyperboles linguistiques ou se perdre dans des descriptions savantes. Tout est vain. L’Abbaye de Fontenay n’a pas besoin d’artifices tant elle est épurée (art Roman). Vous avez juste besoin de vos mirettes et de calme pour apprécier à sa juste valeur ce théâtre sacré qui se marie avec brio avec Dame Nature omniprésente transposant ainsi sa pureté. Qui peut rester insensible face à des édifices si solaires dans lesquels il fait bon de déambuler tranquillement et parcourir chaque détail architectural délicatement ciselé ? Qui peut rester de marbre face au talent indéniable de nos anciens bâtisseurs ? Nichée dans un vallon au nord de la Bourgogne, l’abbaye de Fontenay constitue donc l’un des plus remarquables ensembles cisterciens parvenus jusqu’à nous. Toujours à l’écart des fureurs du quotidien, dans une plaine où s’égarent les eaux vives, vous êtes facilement replacés dans les pas des moines qui, en 1198 sous la férule de Saint-Bernard, s’installèrent ici en appliquant le rigorisme moral de Saint-Benoit (obéissance absolue à l’abbé, respect du silence, équilibre entre les tâches…). Si la communauté cistercienne applique des règles très strictes, l’abbaye n’en est pas moins un lieu harmonieux unissant dans le même destin le minéral et le végétal, l’architecture empreinte tout autant de mysticisme et que de fonctionnalité et son environnement. Car le site religieux répond à une organisation spatiale matérialisant la devise cistercienne, à savoir relier le plus aisément possible les secteurs de production (forge) avec les espaces de prière. Chef-d’œuvre de l’art roman, l’abbaye brille par sa sobriété évidente et intemporelle puisque l’art cistercien va à l’essentiel, fuit le flamboiement gothique. En effet, il était fondamental de ne pas détourner l’esprit et c’est pourquoi l’architecture cistercienne développe un langage où les volumes, leurs imbrications, et le jeu de lumière sur les parements évitent le vagabondage de l’esprit. Assez-vous sur le banc pierreux à proximité d’une fontaine pour admirer l’imposante façade de l’abbatiale de Fontenay, percée d’un seul portail et de 7 baies cintrées diffusant un jeu de luminosité dans la nef. Si vous vous rapprochez un peu plus d’elle, vous remarquerez qu’elle se mire dans le bassin, autre preuve à l’appui de l’entrelacement de la pierre avec l’élément végétal. La visite se poursuit pas le cloître, puits de lumière, espace de circulation ou se dégage une impression de force, une sérénité constructive faisant ainsi de lui la clé de voûte, le pilier de cet ensemble monastique. Entrer dans ce cloître, c’est comme entrer dans une contrée protégée par le rempart de la discipline, une transition entre le monde humain et celui de Dieu. Donnant vie à la pierre, les rayons du soleil font vibrer l’architecture en animant les murs, le grain de la pierre, la finesse de la stéréotomie, l’élégance des lignes ou les chapiteaux sobrement travaillés. En traversant le scriptorium, vous serez redirigés vers le grand jardin symétriquement élégant, organisé autour d’un grand bassin, d’immenses arbres et d’une belle statue. Comme au premier jour, déambuler dans les travées de ce havre spirituel, voler au temps quelques minutes dans les jardins, s’accorder une pause délicatement musicale près des fontaines, incite toujours à la méditation et vous revigore après coup.
Simply describe the Fontenay Abbey, located in Burgundy and declared World Heritage by UNESCO. Adopt a simple writing style. Indeed, it is unnecessary to resort to linguistic hyperbole or lost in scholarly descriptions. Everything is vain. Fontenay Abbey does not need fireworks as it is refined (Romanesque). You just need your peepers and quiet to appreciate the true value of this sacred theater that blends brilliantly with Mother Nature ubiquitous and implementing its purity. Who can remain indifferent to whether solar buildings in which it is good to walk quietly through each carefully crafted and architectural detail? Who can remain unmoved by the undeniable talent of our ancient builders? Nestled in a valley north of Burgundy, Fontenay Abbey is therefore one of the most remarkable Cistercian sets survived. Always away from the madness of everyday life, in a plain where mislead whitewater, you are easily replaced in the footsteps of the monks in 1198 under the rule of St. Bernard, settled here by applying the rigor moral of Saint-Benoit (absolute obedience to the abbot, respectful silence, balancing tasks ...). If the Cistercian community has very strict rules, the abbey is not less harmonious place uniting in the same fate mineral and vegetal, architectural footprint as much mysticism and functionality and its environment. For the religious site responds to a spatial organization embodying the Cistercian currency, which connect as easily as possible the production sectors (forge) with prayer spaces. Masterpiece of Romanesque art, the abbey is conspicuous by its apparent simplicity and timeless as the Cistercian art goes largely fled gothic flare. Indeed, it was essential not to divert the mind and that is why the Cistercian architecture develops a language where volumes, their nests, and the play of light on the faces prevent the mind wandering. Enough about the stone bench near a fountain to admire the imposing facade of the Abbey of Fontenay, drilled a single portal and arched windows 7 broadcasting a game of light in the nave. If you approach a little more of it, you will notice that it is reflected in the pond, other evidence in support of the interweaving of the stone with the plant material. The tour will not pursue the cloister, skylights, circulation space or gives an impression of strength, serenity and constructive making it the keystone, the mainstay of this monastic complex. Enter the cloister, it is like entering a protected by the rampart of the discipline country, a transition between the human world and God. Giving life to stone, the sun vibrate architecture animating the walls, the grain of the stone, the fineness of the stereotomy, elegant lines and sober capitals worked. Crossing the scriptorium, you will be redirected to the large elegant garden symmetrically organized around a large pool, huge trees and a beautiful statue. As the first day, wandering the aisles of this spiritual haven, minutes flying time in the gardens, gently give musical break near the fountains, always encourages meditation and invigorates you afterwards.
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