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[{"Comment":{"id":"1877983","total_score":"36","content":"This might be the best hostel in Shanghai. It has a great location, great atmosphere, it's friendly, clean and has a friendly staff. There is a bar, a restaurant, a ballroom, a fountain with water and fish, two free computers and Wifi.\r\n\r\nIt is a spectacular place, if you're traveling in Shanghai.\r\n\r\nIt's 1 minute from People's Square.\r\n\r\nRemember, if you have a Hosteling International discount card, the price for a 6 people dorm room is about 6 euros per bed.\r\n\r\nYou have a buffet breakfast for 2 and a half euros, with sandwiches, fruit, juice, coffee or tea.\r\n\r\nYou will not be disappointed!","title":"Etour Youth Hostel","hidden":"0","post_time":"2009-10-10 09:45:13","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"73139","name":"Iv\u00e1n Marcos","username":"ivanmar","has_avatar":"2","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/73139_80x80_2.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"459511","hashcode":"4cc1a7d6501d72013795149cefa274f4","post_time":"2009-10-10 09:39:36","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"459508","hashcode":"35b286be547a21122449ece9cdc17bf3","post_time":"2009-10-10 09:39:36","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"459510","hashcode":"f93eca74648f881c5a06a6bcc46e4b04","post_time":"2009-10-10 09:39:36","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"459512","hashcode":"b8aedf072eca537ff4fcf124881fb64d","post_time":"2009-10-10 09:39:36","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"459509","hashcode":"2f293e222dfaa38df5d0e8b82fd41fce","post_time":"2009-10-10 09:39:36","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"59087","total_score":"48","content":"Shanghai Etour Hostel is definitely one of the better ones is located. This is due to its proximity to People\"s Square (one of the most important tourist attractions, as well one of the most popular connections Shanghai Metro). It is also located near the Marriot Shanghai, so that its implementation is not bad. To access it you have to enter a street not very careful, but in fairly good condition, and there you can see the poster of Hosteling International. Their rooms are good, the single rooms have shared bathrooms, I think that\"s the only disadvantage, but in general the hostel is very well, it has a common area serving lunch and breakfast, where you can also sit and read a book. It is oriental style, with characteristic details that make the ancient Chinese houses. It also has a pool table and a terrace that allows you to view high-rise buildings look out over the rooftops. Prices range from about 55 RMB in a shared room, and 180 RMB for a double room. It is fairly clean, and recommended.","title":"Shanghai Etour Hostel is definitely one...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2009-04-13 14:05:40","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"El Hostel Etour de Shanghai es sin duda uno de los que mejor ubicados se encuentra.\r\nEsto se debe a su proximidad con People\u00b4s Square (uno de los puntos tur\u00edsticos m\u00e1s importantes, como tambi\u00e9n as\u00ed una de las conexiones de Metro m\u00e1s populares de Shanghai). \r\nTambi\u00e9n se encuentra cerca del Marriot Shanghai, de modo que su implantaci\u00f3n no es mala. \r\nPara acceder al mismo se tiene que ingresar por una callejuela no muy cuidada, pero en bastante buen estado, y all\u00ed podr\u00e1 ver el cartel de Hosteling International.\r\nSus cuartos son buenos, los cuartos individuales poseen ba\u00f1o compartido, creo que esa es la \u00fanica deventaja, pero en l\u00edneas generales el hostel esta muy bien, posee un \u00e1rea com\u00fan que sirven comidas y desayunos, donde tambi\u00e9n se puede sentar a leer un libro.\r\nEs de estilo oriental, con los caracter\u00edsticos detalles que conforman las antiguas casonas chinas.\r\nPosee tambi\u00e9n una mesa de pool y una terraza que permite ver los edificios de gran altura asomarse por los tejados.\r\nLos precios var\u00edan entre unos 55 RMB en un cuarto compartido, y 180 RMB por un cuarto doble. Es medianamente limpio, y recomendable.","original_title":"El Hostel Etour de Shanghai es sin..."},"User":{"id":"53703","name":"Bel\u00e9n G. Bonorino","username":"belengebe","has_avatar":"2","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/53703_80x80_2.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"332735","hashcode":"92af0e9f2fcbe7e4c3b68f3a19f5fca9","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"640","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"332737","hashcode":"75a323f71a62f4d97706e87c5e589c4f","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"480","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"332734","hashcode":"487a715c3d0964873c7f8d43e44e580b","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"480","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"332738","hashcode":"e918c110b16b558be02864919fea3067","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"480","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"332736","hashcode":"6dd2b320266a4a53fd139aabb3db0a1e","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"480","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"332740","hashcode":"eec63c924585ffeb5326908d92fd76ad","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"640","o_height":"480","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"332739","hashcode":"a70a482475231fadca3795d86ef4fe24","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"480","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"332741","hashcode":"aa6d019af4ede39e29789454df5fc69c","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"480","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"332742","hashcode":"31208b0562612f78e8bec3732b82caac","post_time":"2009-04-13 13:54:08","o_width":"480","o_height":"640","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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