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[{"Comment":{"id":"6729140","total_score":"0","content":"Las personas de este pueblo son muy cerradas y desagradables. Y los precios de la tienda son desorbitados para la calidad ","title":"Pueblo poco recomendable ","hidden":0,"post_time":"2025-01-11 16:16:01","lang_flag":"es","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"9534129","name":"Ana Mart\u00ednez ","username":"anamartinez835","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_5_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"1"},{"Comment":{"id":"6478213","total_score":"-10","content":"Quiet and lively village that we found on the way. They were partying and they welcomed us with rockets.","title":"Quiet and lively village that we found...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2017-07-23 21:25:28","lang_flag":"es","original_content":" Pueblito tranquilo y animado que encontramos en el camino. ","original_title":"Estaban de fiesta y nos recibieron con cohetes."},"User":{"id":"7198888","name":"Roberto Garc\u00eda","username":"robertogarcia801","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/7198888_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"5"}]
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Hotels near Floresta Nacional Mário Xavier

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    At minube we want your trip to be perfect. That is why we show you hotels near Floresta Nacional Mário Xavier recommended by travelers. Please find the best suited hotel in Seropédica near Floresta Nacional Mário Xavier below, as well as other accommodation options near Floresta Nacional Mário Xavier that you will love.
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    17,8 km away in Itaguaí
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    33,7 km away in Vassouras
    34,5 km away in Vassouras
    35,1 km away in Vassouras
    35,1 km away in Vassouras
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    26,6 km away in Río de Janeiro
    26,3 km away in Nova Iguaçu
    37,6 km away in Miguel Pereira
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