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[{"Comment":{"id":"2237990","total_score":"17","content":"If you want to have a cocktrail at a trendy terrace with the best views of St. Paul's Cathedral, as well as the rest of London, be sure to visit the top floor of this new shopping center, which was designed by renowned architect Jean Nouvel.","title":"A terrace with views","hidden":"0","post_time":"2015-06-14 13:06:46","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"212451","name":"emilio sanchez","username":"emisanchez","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/212451_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"5590691","hashcode":"82c7b72d0db79c515e090b86a21b2d8f","post_time":"2012-07-09 01:28:11","o_width":"2896","o_height":"1944","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6678220","total_score":"29","content":"One New Change is another corner of London that gives a lot of play. It is a shopping center that gives us spectacular reflections and a terrace that acts as a viewpoint. From above, you can admire St Paul\"s impressive dome. And watch out, all for free. Can you ask for something more?","title":"Viewpoint and reflections for the price of one","hidden":0,"post_time":"2019-02-12 19:48:51","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"One New Change es otros de los rincones de Londres que da mucho juego. \nSe trata de un centro comercial que nos brinda de espectaculares reflejos y un una terraza que hace de mirador. Desde arriba, podr\u00e1s admirar la impresionante c\u00fapula de St Paul's.\nY ojo, todo gratis.\n\u00bfSe puede pedir algo m\u00e1s?\n","original_title":"Mirador y reflejos por el precio de uno"},"User":{"id":"5670215","name":"David Maldonado","username":"davidmaldonado871","has_avatar":"5","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5670215_80x80_5.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10743874","hashcode":"d447d014bad762b217dfd9faff2b1b16","post_time":"2019-02-12 19:48:51","o_width":"3738","o_height":"5607","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"10743876","hashcode":"c20ea3889fc3925fd4cff63cf66dc8b4","post_time":"2019-02-12 19:48:51","o_width":"4000","o_height":"6000","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"10743875","hashcode":"d22c70771f2f79e0f3c868efa24978ee","post_time":"2019-02-12 19:48:51","o_width":"4000","o_height":"6000","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"},{"Comment":{"id":"6628139","total_score":"-10","content":null,"title":"You have an impressive view from your terrace","hidden":0,"post_time":"2018-06-22 16:21:19","lang_flag":"es","original_content":null,"original_title":"Tienes una vista impresionante desde su terraza."},"User":{"id":"7978240","name":"Milagros Ram\u00edrez","username":"milagrosramirez794","has_avatar":"3","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/7978240_80x80_3.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"5"}]
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