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[{"Comment":{"id":"2215588","total_score":"32","content":"This is the kind of place that you either love or you hate. It is famous for its color and vibrance, but these days it has been taken over by Colombian immigrants who run many of the restaurants and clothing stalls. Many people try to avoid it now, but there is a project working on regeneration of the area, so hopefully this eccentric piece of architecture will soon shine again.","title":"Love it or hate it","hidden":"0","post_time":"2015-05-09 18:40:01","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"86543","name":"Francisca ","username":"botearemo","has_avatar":"2","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/86543_80x80_2.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"567196","hashcode":"494e1d78830eacfd413de628fcfaf6dc","post_time":"2010-03-05 15:51:33","o_width":"1940","o_height":"1287","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"567192","hashcode":"f28c08383e44d84557754883f11675b1","post_time":"2010-03-05 15:51:33","o_width":"1940","o_height":"1287","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"567193","hashcode":"ece151fd133bfa0b23cec6137f9baa9d","post_time":"2010-03-05 15:51:33","o_width":"1940","o_height":"1287","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"567195","hashcode":"0a8cc47fd2c7dbeaf9b22bf840671c89","post_time":"2010-03-05 15:51:33","o_width":"1940","o_height":"1287","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"567194","hashcode":"b898e8faae603888d08e1a1606eeb6e3","post_time":"2010-03-05 15:51:33","o_width":"1940","o_height":"1287","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6556605","total_score":"-10","content":null,"title":"Shithole.","hidden":"0","post_time":"2017-12-08 21:40:09","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"7754104","name":"Jeff Schneider","username":"jeffschneider","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_4_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"5"},{"Comment":{"id":"6610268","total_score":"5","content":"New Kent Rd, London SE1","title":"New Kent Rd","hidden":0,"post_time":"2018-04-04 22:18:37","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"\r\n","original_title":"New Kent Rd, London SE1."},"User":{"id":"6774631","name":"A.Y.R.f","username":"albarodriguezfereira","has_avatar":"2","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/6774631_80x80_2.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10632003","hashcode":"9db8c440bed00ba9fe2e6abf08539409","post_time":"2018-04-04 22:18:48","o_width":"999","o_height":"736","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"}]
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Hotels near chocolaterie Le diamant noir

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    At minube we want your trip to be perfect. That is why we show you hotels near chocolaterie Le diamant noir recommended by travelers. Please find the best suited hotel in Montpellier near chocolaterie Le diamant noir below, as well as other accommodation options near chocolaterie Le diamant noir that you will love.
    The best hotels near chocolaterie Le diamant noir
    389 m away in Montpellier
    Hotel Des Arts
    I recommend the Hotel Arts in Montpellier, not only because its location is in the center near the station, but also because of t
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    98 m away in Montpellier
    98 m away in Montpellier
    229 m away in Montpellier
    273 m away in Montpellier
    317 m away in Montpellier
    377 m away in Montpellier
    388 m away in Montpellier
    432 m away in Montpellier
    500 m away in Montpellier
    515 m away in Montpellier
    206 m away in Montpellier
    Hotel des voyageurs
    This is a small hotel on Lecusson Street. You can pay 28 for a single, 34 for a double, going up to 50 for five people. The rooms
    428 m away in Montpellier
    Littoral Hotel
    This hotel isn't particularly attractive, but its room rates might be - 28 for one person, and 30 to 35 for two. There are 19 room
    229 m away in Montpellier
    76 m away in Montpellier
    392 m away in Montpellier
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