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[{"Comment":{"id":"1765628","total_score":"41","content":"Beautiful beaches, beautiful sunshine, water at the right temperature ... There is even a kind of savanna tree at a beach! This is also partly because of the tree people of eastern France did not believe me when I told them that these were pictures of Brittany! All those who do not know this region rely on media to describe this part of the West as windy, rainy, wet and bad for rheumatism! All this is false, Brittany is beautiful, and my goal is to try to begin to convince you that this is simply beautiful, with a few modest but still significant enough pictures! ... Good contemplation ...","title":"Beautiful beaches, beautiful sunshine,...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2008-09-24 20:46:28","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"De [I]belles[\/I] plages, un [I]beau[\/I] soleil, une eau \u00e0 [I]bonne[\/I] temp\u00e9rature, ...\r\nIl y a m\u00eame une sorte d'arbre de la savane au bord d'une plage ! C'est d'ailleurs en partie \u00e0 cause de cet arbre que les gens de l'Est de la France ne m'ont pas cru lorsque je leur ai dit que ces photos \u00e9taient de [B]Bretagne[\/B] !\r\nTous ceux qui ne connaissent pas cette r\u00e9gion se fient aux m\u00e9dias qui d\u00e9crivent cette partie de l'Ouest comme venteuse, pluvieuse, humide et mauvaise pour les rhumatismes ! Tout ceci est faux, la [B]Bretagne[\/B] est [B]magnifique[\/B], et mon objectif est d'essayer de commencer \u00e0 vous convaincre que c'est tout simplement beau, avec ces quelques photos modestes mais assez significatives tout de m\u00eame !...\r\n\r\n[I]Bonne contemplation...[\/I]","original_title":"De belles plages, un beau soleil, une..."},"User":{"id":"5043746","name":"TuT","username":"TuT-fr","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5043746_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7309135","hashcode":"1747c3705ade1f7dee3ff85322d99ff3","post_time":"2008-09-24 21:41:34","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309141","hashcode":"5c62b39754c24501f61a46dbed219d75","post_time":"2008-09-24 21:48:33","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309130","hashcode":"29bd0cfab218a1813497a90354d68cfb","post_time":"2008-09-24 21:22:02","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309131","hashcode":"a6602705210d0fc90971bf3de5a3ea6c","post_time":"2008-09-24 21:25:53","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309133","hashcode":"e320f85677bd9624f1843a359d841243","post_time":"2008-09-24 21:28:48","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309132","hashcode":"95cd6e7bd49df3ef348c6b1fa4caabf0","post_time":"2008-09-24 21:27:17","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309160","hashcode":"da75537afa285bbe9e41b733b3da0bdb","post_time":"2008-09-24 22:01:24","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309170","hashcode":"5b37b876c6528cdd7fa0b300b524fd20","post_time":"2008-09-24 22:06:03","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309169","hashcode":"3fd53a49ccdf56d1fa76e77a70e71e76","post_time":"2008-09-24 22:05:29","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309168","hashcode":"1d7e90219aa7fb95204380582657fb88","post_time":"2008-09-24 22:05:04","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309166","hashcode":"1453f652dc0f06a7a1d7c30e1ddadf11","post_time":"2008-09-24 22:03:48","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7309167","hashcode":"e59b40c96900d6685cd59d3c2f7ff454","post_time":"2008-09-24 22:04:31","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"1765629","total_score":"27","content":"A few hundred meters south of Portmain, is the Sablons Beach equally conducive to the enchantment. Real crack in the cliff, quite inclined ramp can be reached by family. Because of the height of the cliff, there is relatively sheltered from the wind. The only \"catch\" is that the beach is quite inclined, giving some nice waves to discourage toddlers who would not want to get wet head. But for others, that fun perspective ...","title":"A few hundred meters south of Portmain,...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2008-10-14 11:59:33","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Quelques centaines de m\u00e8tres au sud du Portmain, se trouve la plage des Sablons, tout aussi propice \u00e0 l'enchantement.\r\n\r\nV\u00e9ritable crique dans la falaise, une rampe assez inclin\u00e9e permet de s'y rendre en famille. Du fait de la hauteur de la falaise, on y est relativement bien abrit\u00e9 du vent.\r\n\r\nLe seul \"hic\" serait que la plage est \u00e9galement assez inclin\u00e9e, ce qui donne quelques belles vagues, propres \u00e0 d\u00e9courager les tout-petits qui ne voudrait pas se mouiller la t\u00eate. Mais, pour les autres, que d'amusement en perspective...","original_title":"Quelques centaines de m\u00e8tres au sud du ..."},"User":{"id":"5043757","name":"remi.vannier","username":"remi.vannier","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_4_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7312653","hashcode":"43c78482091a540652c8e831dce19396","post_time":"2008-10-14 11:59:17","o_width":"1024","o_height":"469","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"1765630","total_score":"2","content":"The beach Portmain in Pornic, is a nice corner where the sand is fine and golden and the water is clear and a beautiful blue. It is a public and patrolled beach ideal for sailing but you can also enjoy from the terrace of a bar or a restaurant.","title":"The beach Portmain in Pornic, is a nice...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2010-06-24 14:46:06","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"La plage du Portmain, \u00e0 Pornic, est un recoin agr\u00e9able o\u00f9 le sable est dor\u00e9 et fin et o\u00f9 l'eau est claire et d'un beau bleu. C'est une plage publique et surveill\u00e9e, id\u00e9ale pour faire de la voile mais dont on peut aussi profiter depuis la terrasse d'un bar ou d'un restaurant.","original_title":"La plage du Portmain, \u00e0 Pornic, est un ..."},"User":{"id":"5068754","name":"Offices de Tourisme","username":"justinlac","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5068754_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null}]
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