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[{"Comment":{"id":"6729140","total_score":"0","content":"Las personas de este pueblo son muy cerradas y desagradables. Y los precios de la tienda son desorbitados para la calidad ","title":"Pueblo poco recomendable ","hidden":0,"post_time":"2025-01-11 16:16:01","lang_flag":"es","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"9534129","name":"Ana Mart\u00ednez ","username":"anamartinez835","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_5_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"1"},{"Comment":{"id":"6478213","total_score":"-10","content":"Quiet and lively village that we found on the way. They were partying and they welcomed us with rockets.","title":"Quiet and lively village that we found...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2017-07-23 21:25:28","lang_flag":"es","original_content":" Pueblito tranquilo y animado que encontramos en el camino. ","original_title":"Estaban de fiesta y nos recibieron con cohetes."},"User":{"id":"7198888","name":"Roberto Garc\u00eda","username":"robertogarcia801","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/7198888_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":"5"}]
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